Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Rollercoaster is baaaack!
Lay on your back and stare into the sky and bring your current problems into your mind at the same time.. now make a decision...

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Sometimes we a have negative emotions we live with, stored within us, keeping us from achieving our full potential.. not good really, is it?

Monday, 26 July 2010

If you believe it's going to be a shit day.. then it may just well be.. doesn't have to be though. you control your mind.. make today count
You are amazing.. the fact that you have survived this long and are still functioning.. makes you amazing..
The meaning of life, is the meaning you give it.. so give it real good..
Are you living the life you want? Or the life you feel you have to? Either way, what would it be like if you now choose to change something?
Everyone is in a trance already.. all a hypnotist does, is see it and guide it into an altered state, where suggestions can be made...

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Everyone lives inside their own illusion.. within which they are comfortable.. you appear in theirs, they appear in yours... enjoy it

Saturday, 24 July 2010

This is the secret of getting what you want, the NLP way...

Friday, 23 July 2010

Performing tonight at Hidden to a bunch of people. Should be an interesting night. Gonna sing me new song :-)
I have been made into a Ticket Agent for STICKY, MASTERS OF CEREMONY. Which is at Scala on Saturday 4th September. Let me know if you need..
RT @nikkiacute: RT @dvsmc: Do more of what makes your heart sing, do less of what makes your heart sink.. and you're life will improve t ...

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Go to bed, or else, the bogyman will get you!
How much fun can you stand?
Do more of what makes your heart sing, do less of what makes your heart sink.. and you're life will improve tenfold...

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

People are always doing the best THEY can with the resources THEY have...
The website for my Drum & Bass MCing and stuff

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

If you are running in a race and you fall over.. you can either stay down, or get up and finish the race, same with life.. you have a choice
Life is great when you're having fun to drum n bass

Monday, 19 July 2010

Have you had a gander at my website yet?
Rollercoaster baseball caps and T-Shirts landing this week.. yeeeeehaaa!

Sunday, 18 July 2010

I want to change my artist name.. from Dvs.. gonna be an uphill struggle.. but there are 2 other dvs's in the game.. a marketing nightmare..
Does anyone know what time Big Brother is on?
RT @hollywills: I blimming love don't stop believing! @mouthwaite clearly speaking the most sense! Emma bunton has girl power as always, ...
Finding Nemo is on!!! Channel 5!!
Cinderella on the tell, great movie!

Saturday, 17 July 2010


Thursday, 15 July 2010

Damn.. things have changed aint they?

In this new age where the government has returned to the ways of the old right-wing political arena dominated by the Conservative policies which so many young adults are either not used to, or simply do not remember, few things are clear;

· Saving is more important than ever before

· Investing in companies which have growth potential is worth learning about.

· Spending money on survival should be key and above all else

· No one should be aware of your true worth, as it’s survival of the fittest

The current government supports new enterprise, so the arena of business is one in which one should invest time into understanding more about. It is important to create a service/product which serves the needs of a community with some spending power, which at the moment seems to be young adults who don’t feel as if they have any responsibility unto themselves or others around them.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Serious about making a change? NLP life coaching service available now. Affordable rates

Sunday, 4 July 2010

maybe Holland will win it..

Saturday, 3 July 2010

germany will win world cup